heartburst under bright lights
By sanglante
with a heavy feeling
left under my breasts
the gnawing feeling of
longing lingers
within the chambers
of my stomach
the world hurts
when i don't see you
my eyes are blinded by
the bright lights
and i can't see
your smile
it's gone
and all i can do is weep
and moan
but you aren't coming,
you haven't come,
i miss you
like i've never missed
anyone before now
and the image i have
in my mind of your smile
tears what's
left of
my heart to pieces
because i want you
but you'll
never want me
and you won't tell me,
like a hidden secret,
you'll never tell me why
and i've run out of
people to talk to.
the lights are too bright
you're no longer here to
shade my eyes
and i miss you
miss you so much
my heart has burst
and everytime i think
another part of my heart
withers and dies
like flowers caught
the in the path of
a wildfire,
blackened and dry.
i imagined us
as long-limbed
dancing to a melody
filled with carefree
and tender
emotions, but
i was evidently
mistaken when
you threw my
everything back into my face
with a look of
disgust on
your previously smiling face.
still love you
Comments on "heartburst under bright lights"
A former member wrote:
so far, I like this poem in particular my dear :).
A former member wrote:
this is... absolutely incredible. you've split open your insides almost in an act of defiance. yet there is still a sad, nostalgic acceptance...to watch the words heal slightly and begin to scab over is a powerful thing...it sparks belief. i believe in you. this is such a lonely place to be, and i wish i could hold your hand through it. know that i feel for you and that this poem is perfect. you are braver and stronger than you think.
On Wednesday, February 9, 2011, sanglante
(16) wrote:
no, not at all, i'm terrified now