By Forever Cold
You keep tearing in to me
You are going to cut too deep..
Can you fix what you do?
Or did you cut to deep?
I know what they say is true, I am numb
To it all. I am not blind,
But I just can’t see it; I can’t see what you
Have done, I choose not to see it. You,
I love you,
God damn it I hate you,
How in the hell could you do this?
Your getting what you want,
You damn drug, you knew I can,
You knew I can’t get off of you,
You knew how to get in to me,
You’re in my mind, every day,
You are in my skin,
Damn drug I just can’t shake.
I want to, …So much, I want you
I want it to be the same
The way it was, your head
In my arms, I want to feel safe again…
Crawl back to you, and your arms, I can’t live
With out you…
I can’t live with what you did; I can’t see you,
I can’t get you out of me,
I can’t be near you, when I touch you it comes
All back, the sick ness it comes back,
I can’t stand to look at you.
I hate you, what you did to me. Your
Killing me, I am dyeing inside don’t you see it?
Don’t you see what you’ve done to me?
God I can’t live with out your touch I would die to please you,
What more can I give you, i gave you all of me, and more,
You have me, what in the hell do you want?
Can you see you are all I want?
Can’t you see you broke me!!
I want you back, back in my arms, tell me you love me,
God damn it tell me what I want to hear,
I can’t go on with out you.
Goddamn it you love me.
Your killing me every day you cut me deeper.
The silence cuts me the deepest; you’re my reason to breathe
You. I feel you in me every step I take, I remeber the way you taste.
Ever breath it of you comes flooding back, and I am knocked to the floor,
You make me die in side,
God damn it I can’t live
Like this………
I couldn’t live life with out you by my side..
I can’t…..
I can’t live with out you and I can’t breath with what you did to me,
I just can’t live.
I know I can’t live with you, but I can’t live with out you……..
But I can die with you..
You just cut me too deep this time
I warned you, I told you ,
I told you that the blood would run dry,
And you can’t fix what you broke in me..