Digitalized Me

By theXkevorkian

As I  wander
I  ponder this

the cyber conectic  world
we dwell in
and micro chips
and programmed in brainwash factories
even the church  is  part of this
all sprouted
in the backwash
of city squalor
the little
bewildered flowers
that seem to reach
ever upward towards
the prescript-ed
homogenized sunlight
blocked out by SPF 69

swimming in the gutter
washed with urine
and the run off
of Joeys Transmission Shop
drinking coffee
so thick its sour
on the tongue
hot and explosive

 to revel
listening to the yesteryear
and the knowledge of thwarted lost souls
who ponder existence
why is it me?
am I the prey?
or the witness?

this is a crime
no free thought
no freedom
to express your self

pushed down
and made off with
no means
to express civility
and hunger
for what it is
to be human

you see it all starts
with the disease
no prescription can cure
spoon fed to the masses
you don't have to sift through the ashes
to see something is not a crazy dream

they put it right in front of you
being broadcast
across the milky way
by means of some
sub planetary transmission

it beats to your core
interrupting my
making me feel insane
and incompetent

now everything
for sale
and over homogenized

say good bye
to entertainment

say good bye
to the artists artist

say good bye
to self expression

say good bye
to religion

because hear
inside your
think it for you box
we mass marketalize

send them out
over the landscape
thumping across
cable lines
floating through the air
all digitalized
feeding into the brain
making us insane

so beware
in the kitchen
all nestled
in your
confining boxes
with your microwaves
and your
think it for you boxes
do you think
you would of bought
those little orange coco flakes
if they weren't effecting
your thoughtses

Just had to get that out there

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Copyright 2010 theXkevorkian
Published on Sunday, April 25, 2010.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "Digitalized Me"

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  • keltruth7 On Thursday, January 20, 2011, keltruth7 (18)By person wrote:

    So true. Here's to getting that message out there! great write.

  • A former member wrote: I like that you got it out there. Thought provoking. =)

  • Malcholm Dark On Monday, May 3, 2010, Malcholm Dark (806)By person wrote:

    Very nice X, TVs are the hell we've made for ourselves... I like the part about church... I was in a church once that had a very expensive system that put them in every one's TV... For jesus you know, Amen and send us money... a real travesty... Thanks for bringing it all out in your piece... the last verse you wrote, "think it for you..."... maybe you meant, think for you boxes... a cool line... write on

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