Arrow of love
By draco5445
The bow is drawn in wait
Sweat is dropping down your face
You see your target
You let loose the arrow
A grin spreads
across your face
As your arrow hit's home
But your grin fades
You notice she is in the arms of another guy
The arrow
with the ring and the note stuck fast in the ground
In front
the bench of their first kiss
Unnoticed by the girl you love
note reads to the love of my life
Will you marry me! Love your man
You drop out of the tree
Then run till you fall over
You cant
run any more
So you just lay there
Not moving your as still
as death
Then sobs start to rack your body
You finally wake
Then you walk to your house
She there with the arrow in her
Her face is stained with tears
You ignore her moving to
your room
You start to pack your things
She comes in looking
at you
She then whispers, "yes"
You say,"what"
She says,"I
said yes"
To what do you say yes to
To this she holds the arrow
out towards you
She then looks you in the you
That guy you seen
me with is my brother
He wanted to meet you
You apologize and
begin to cry again
She looks at you
Then she comes over to
you wearing the ring
She grabs you and kisses you
You hold her
close and cry on her shoulder
You whisper,"I love you baby and I am
She whispers,"I love you too babe and it's ok."
Comments on "Arrow of love"
On Wednesday, January 12, 2011, musicalsuicide
(58) wrote:
That was pretty ^.^ So my new favorite.
On Tuesday, April 13, 2010, Malcholm Dark
(806) wrote:
A good tale, told well... an enjoyable read... check a couple of lines... loose the arrow, not lose... "you start pack your things"... forgot something there.... thanks for the write