Population Control
By charliebrown
Smited for convictions, some false and some true,
Plagues full of
boils and festering ooze,
Bellowing smoke and red hot eruptions,
Gutted and cleaned and dressed for consumption.
Hail from
the heavens and frogs in the dark,
First born sons and crimes of
the heart,
Raging rouge waves from the briny abyss,
Boiled in
the blood to cleanse their remiss.
Timid and scorned, inadequate
and maimed,
Seraphs from on high still playing the game,
weapons and blades of hot steel,
Charred skin, crispy, before him
they kneel.
His apostles, they are, with hooks on their staffs,
Sometimes they cry but mostly they laugh.
Gathering those who appear
on the scrolls,
God's love of His people or population control.
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Copyright 2010 charliebrown
Published on Thursday, April 8, 2010.
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On Friday, April 9, 2010, Malcholm Dark
(806) wrote:
Great last line, perfect piece... fine visuals, thank-you....