I haven't thought of that.....
By maggot death
.....There's no true poem
that can describe
the desolate,
of life.....
But I'll try.....
Whispering through,
she tries to explain why I need to
in this world
of all of the above.....
the world
of desolate,
but instead, I ignore
It doesn't matter how much you love,
you hate,
wish you could.....
Because you will die.
She tells me how much I need to be here,
she tells me to listen,
to live,
to learn,
to wait....for a better tomorrow
But every time I do
wait for tomorrow
it just gets worse,
more desolate,
more lonely,
more hateful,
more boring,
more stupid,
and let's not forget.....
more destructive.
I ask her one question
just one,
only one.
the question I've been yearning to know
for the longest of times.....
The question I ask
is a question of many
and one only she
can answer:
"Why should I?"
The one known as God
with the strangest
of all answers,
but the truest of them all...
She opens
her mouth,
hesitates for a second,
then answers:
haven't thought of that....."
Author's Note:
This is definately not my best poem. I just wrote this because I was bored:) Even so, I hope you enjoy!Comments on "I haven't thought of that....."
A former member wrote:
I love the fact that in the end, God is the female you are talking to. It's very well put. I am not a believer myself, but this really shows that not even a God would have the answer to that question. Because it's true. Once you have lived all there is to live, what will it be for? Nothing. Because you die. I really like this. Very philosophical.
On Tuesday, February 23, 2010, Malcholm Dark
(806) wrote:
Nicely written, a great ending. thanks for the wite.
A former member wrote:
I enjoyed the ending lol. I find it comedic, but also deeper than that.
On Wednesday, February 10, 2010, Deaths Apostle
(65) wrote:
Nice ending to an interesting poem...lol
A former member wrote:
This whole thing was really well written, I especially love the end.
A former member wrote:
An ending I did not expect, but fu**ing awesome ending. You pinched here a topic we all ponder on, but I think we waste to much time on questions like that. So next time when she opens her mouth stop her from saying a thing and kiss her. Sorry it's just how the poem made me feel.
A former member wrote:
You're right, it's almost impossible to describe life in words...sometimes words just can't do us justice. I liked this one, very thought-provoking.