chasing reason
By skully
Chase reason down the dragon and out tha window
Don’t have a reason don’t believe I need one
Luther’s talking now, can’t help but listen
Eyes murky just beginning to glisten
No ones near though. Nose to nose with self
What happened to all that wealth?
Where d’you go bollocks. Get high in a different place
But it takes us to the same place face to face with
Death all over again. When are you going to call?
Getting older. Going nowhere. Got nothin’
Nor never did have. Fuck your rules and your laws
Fuck your grammar, fuck my rhythm fuck my stammer
All I ever was, was a lie alli do is lie
Lie down in front of life’s juggernaught
Glad to die high. Another of life’s losers
Hasten death it’s where the answers lie After all…
If you disappear I’ll replace you with another you
Only worse. How could it get any worse?
Lessen pain with more pain, never learnt
My lesson. Never earnt my keep. Keep earning
Tomorra will only cost more. They say it never comes
But it always does. Close your eyes at twilight
And in the morning it will be there. Waiting.
Sinister and full of surprises. Life goes on
And on. Then doesn’t.
Why pretend word caress can fix it. Fuck it
Care less careless. Think, think, think till your thought
Funked out. Live in ego, believe it. Fall for your
Own bollocks and its fucked up family. Dysfunction long
Enough and it all begins to funcktion. Live behind tired eyes.
Denial was sweet but now its gone and there’s
Only reckage and pretend fuck words and worlds
Within worlds that were never really there if you looked
Close enough took drugs, turned around and faced the
Thugs and then vanished in a blink. Sucked down the plug hole
Sinking in the big sink.