Humans and their weirdness

By Alectozere

Humans are... strange.
They'll tell you something while they think the opposite, they'll do something nice not because they want to, but to protect their image in the eyes of others, they'll lie, they'll love, they'll hate, they'll... well, they'll spend their life doing whatever it is they do.

Yeah, everyone is different. But holy crap all people are the same...

Conflicting, huh? Yeah. That's what they are. That's what we, as a species, are. An enigma. We don't even understand why we are that way all that much, but that's just the way it is.

Some people seem to have it all figured out. They know what they want to do, how to do it and why they do it. Most people, though, are just trying to understand. Understand what? Heck, don't ask me, I haven't figured it out yet. Probs never will.

You know what makes it complicated, in part? Feelings. We all (or most of us) read about 'em, feel 'em, talk about 'em, experience 'em... But there's one I absolutely can't begin to understand. Guessed it, right?
Eh, maybe not.
It's love.
The feeling, or more like the category of feelings, is love.

Did you know that a brain on love looks an aweful lot like a brain on cocaïne? Welp, if you did not, now you do. Random fact for ya.

Pain. Love... gives pain. Many kinds. Sweet from the sight of that special someone, bittersweet from a complicated goodbye, straight up bitter, acidic even when you get rejected or, well... reject someone while not being sure about how you felt. Man, it's as if movies were'nt that far from reality... Hey, don't misunderstand, they're still pretty foogin' far from it. But some details are... heh, better say it: painfully accurate.

Like some kind of C-type idiotic drama-romance movie.

It seems to tell us exactly why love is the greatest thing and that everyone should be interested in that drama pit.

Those who don't? Heh.

''What's wrong with you? That's not normal. Why do you hate people so much? Did you never want to be normal?''

Nobody fookin sees this damned part of human existence the same way others do.

You still reading this? Pft.
Grats, I imagine.
Legit no point in it, I'm not that good at being entertaining.
Just me trying to understand... others.. myself.

An analyctical brain is not the best at.. feeling.
The simple fact that I feel that way, think that way and am writing this just to empty my heart...
I'm not alone feeling that way, nobody is truly alone in the way they feel.

I just wish I was better at this.
I feel like I'm scavenging the internet for answers, when I know I won't get much from a triggered 8 years old.

Everybody's different, everybody's the same.
We all eat from the same hole and.. defecate from the other.
We all have our goals, trust me or not, and all are slightly different in our eyes, while they actually strive for the same purpose.

What is that purpose? I'm gonna be annoying again and tell you that I have no heckin' clue.

To end this.. pf.. what even IS this..?

Learn from your mistakes, look up, save yourself before others and... Love. Love who? Love you.
''I'm ugly/I hate myself/xyz no I can't''?

I don't know, I don't care.
I'll highly likely never meet you in real life.
I haven't been on this floating rock for that long, unlike others, but it was long enough for me to learn to listen. Don't wanna take the advice? Then don't. Just listen, in case it's useful.

Yeah.. pretty much time for me to end this non-stop writing rage. If you made it to the end, or are just reading this now, well... heh. I'm not writing a poem here. Have a good one in this godforsaken world we call home!

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Copyright 2019 Alectozere
Published on Thursday, September 5, 2019.     Filed under: "Journal"

Author's Note:

Sit down with pain, have a talk with it and let it express itself. View it as a person. If you keep it in cage for too long, it WILL stab you. And it will love every moment of it.
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Comments on "Humans and their weirdness"

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  • Hope in despair On Friday, September 6, 2019, Hope in despair (122)By person wrote:

    Thanks for sharing! Thank you for your honesty, for thinking out loud! I have those feelings too sometimes. I really enjoyed the accents by the way! What is the definition of heckin by the way😀

  • Alectozere On Friday, September 6, 2019, Alectozere (23)By person wrote:

    ''Heckin' '' is basically cut out ''Hecking'' (which is in itself a.. less strong ''f#cking''

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