Comments by All Members

  • "Theology aside, there seems to be a fine line sentient beings walk between self confidence and self worship. It has become more apparent to me the more I have travelled that many disregard the need for humility because it is contradictory to the blanket of conceit. My search continues but do feel we have all the tools necessary, though untapped, for self reliance appropriately channeled towards peace rather than chaos in Thy Name. An interesting read here."
    Posted by Dilated View on "Polytheism" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "I do feel good at night, it's like a magic world. But I guess what you said is right as well, we all have dark corners inside ourselves, we all have things to hide, we all have guilty burden on our backs...."
    Posted by Melancholic VIncent on "Cimmerian Light" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "My turn to decipher.. lol I think the night and shadows symbolize your hiding from something in your life that you don't want brought out into the open..You have a personality that needs to shine in the light- so get rid of that thing that has you wanting to hide -only then will you find peace in the darkness.."
    Posted by Invisible Girl on "Cimmerian Light" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "The night brings an effect of wonder and peace that heightens our senses and deepens our perception. I guess this piece, evolved as I wrote it. I had the idea of doing something, but in the end turned out like this. Which isn't bad, just different from what I thought. Thanks Dan!"
    Posted by Melancholic VIncent on "Cimmerian Light" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "Listen to that inner voice because it quite likely has a genetic component that has been honed through the centuries - I think some call it instinct. Much enjoyed!"
    Posted by dwells on "Cimmerian Light" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "this is really well written, beuatifully flowing expression.. poignant and moving... really like your other work as well and look forwar dto reading more!"
    Posted by Zhee on "Metamorphosis" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "Wasn't aware of those quote, but thank your for the complement. Well, narcissistic people put themselves at a God position, like psychopaths deciding who lives and who dies. But what I'm trying to say here is that our ego may be a gift that is proper used is a self-preservation mechanism that help us withstand some major issues like our ephemeral condition and also don't feel crushed when looking at many wonders far more greater than we are. "
    Posted by Melancholic VIncent on "Polytheism" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "An unoriginal, paraphrased quote from (?) Santayana maybe? - "those who do not believe in a god, believe only in themselves" and that my friend is pure ego. Also as a corollary: "Those who do not worship a God, only worship others like themselves". Cheers Vince, marvelous!"
    Posted by dwells on "Polytheism" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "The plot point here is the Ego part, but of course, another poem could be done referring to freewill. I was reluctant to put the last two lines, but it seems that they fit there :) And yes Icarus was indeed a reference here, well done. Thanks for your comment."
    Posted by Melancholic VIncent on "Polytheism" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "This was pretty awesome. I can agree in some ways, but I would say alongside an ego, freewill was another gift. The last line was by far the best. Icarus with burning wings, we'll fall."
    Posted by Poetic-Realm on "Polytheism" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "It is a true interpretation of this, but what I meant was that everyone can be a (faulty) god to themselves, and if everyone is a god, then wars are made between them. But other interpretations are possible and welcome to enrich my way of seeing this work with another people's eyes. Many thanks."
    Posted by Melancholic VIncent on "Polytheism" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "I'm a grown man to accept your opinion in the matter. We perceive things differently and I understand that without forcing people to share my own. It's better to be guided by Good than for Evil, even if our perceptions of Good may be slightly different :)"
    Posted by Melancholic VIncent on "Polytheism" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "In my case, I believe God is everywhere, that we are never separated, he resides in me as well as everything else. I don't believe that religion is evil in and of itself, but history speaks for itself. I don't need someone to tell me how to communicate with God, we are in constant contact. I cannot hide anything from him. But I do take time to listen to him. The great lie of religion - in my opinion - is the belief that God is out of reach to the masses and can only be reached through the chosen few. We are all chosen, that's why we're here with our consciousness. I'm happy to agree to disagree, as I said before, no one belief system is for everyone, and I like you :)"
    Posted by Nehema on "Polytheism" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "You can't englobe all religion as wicked and evil. I can understand the problem in finding what religion is true but without religion, there would not be communication between man and God. Thefore no one could have a relationship with Him. God's a person, a spiritual person, then He wants us to know him and do His will. I don't believe bible was a creation of man, just there are many misinterpretions of it. Many people do their business and say that love God, but they are the ones that choose what God wants and aren't interested in knowing what God really wants. I don't know what's your case, but if you don't believe in Bible, what do you believe in then? We need a way to reach God."
    Posted by Melancholic VIncent on "Polytheism" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "I actually have a great relationship with God, no anger at him from me. Plenty of it for those that pretend to represent him though ;) The ego of God that I referred to above is written in the 'good' book - he killed humans many times over and if you believe the bible is a history book, it could be said that he taught man how to war. I don't believe it is a history book, I believe it was created to control the population by small minded egotistical truth haters that had no relationship with God, but that's just me ;) Religions purpose is to comfort the masses, and it does that very well, unfortunately it can do the opposite as history and current events remind us. There is no one answer for everybody and that is the truth. I like it that way though, if we all got along all the time, what a boring world we'd live in... Much respect and love to you MV, I love how you write from the heart, that's why reading you is such a pleasure - XXOO"
    Posted by Nehema on "Polytheism" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "Faith is weak. Not in God but in myself. It was I who step back. His benevolence is greater that I can imagine. But I don't know if it's enough to forgive me. I'm glad that I could touch you with my work and that you could identify yourself in it :) See my other works please "
    Posted by Melancholic VIncent on "Polytheism" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "It's not meant to be a theological debate but i can see clearly your disbelief or angry against God from your words. But the point here is that our ego it's a way to withstand the tragic things in life, but many lose the humbleness and turn rogue, worshiping themselves. Answering your question, God doesn't have an ego in my belief, we are the ones that need it. But yes, God's a controversial subject, not trying to start a debate here. There are things beyond our comprehension, we are just shadow and dust, I refuse to think God's a malevolent or indifferent being, but I understand those who fall into that opinion."
    Posted by Melancholic VIncent on "Polytheism" by Melancholic VIncent
  • "Many thanks! I guess we need an ego to withstand the wonders around us that show us our insignificance and our own mortality. But many forget (or never find) it's true purpose and entertain themselves with delusions of grandeur.And then atrocities are made. Keep trying harder ;)"
    Posted by Melancholic VIncent on "Polytheism" by Melancholic VIncent
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