Comments by All Members

  • "Demons don't seem to like to leave once they've gotten comfortable.. I know all to well, at the same time i just don't feel right without em.... =).. Your alright and it came out great.. dwells is an AWESOME poet and truly is only tryin to help.. Don't take it in a bad way he means no harm.. you should definitely check out his poetry.. believe me when i say that whatsin my head doesnt always come out that way.. Usualy it comes out alot more vile....=).. I'm not everyones forte but i kinda like reading my illness....=)"
    Posted by Devilish on "Lamentation" by nefarious_infidel
  • "This was going really great until you got up and started running and then some pain pierces some flesh - don't believe the rest of the finish was worthy of the earlier stanzas that I enjoyed very much. Perhaps the hour was getting late as you progressed? Welcome and cheers!"
    Posted by dwells on "Lamentation" by nefarious_infidel
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