
Awesomeshiloh's picture
I just wanted to smile again. But it's futile when darkness is brighter than the sun, compared to what I keep locked inside of me and emptiness is overcrowded in comparison to what's left in my soul. I'm not a prophet. I'm not a demon. I'm not an angel, or one of hell's minions. I was here before them all. I existed before anything. Even God kneels before me. I'm the incarnation of nothing. #lostsoulsociety

Awesomeshiloh's Works

Poetry (Reflective)2012-06-20Empty Life
Poetry 2012-07-09Thoughts from a cell 1
Poetry 2012-07-09Nothing
Poetry 2012-07-10Broken Opiate Heart
Poetry 2012-07-10Hollow Love
Poetry (Personal)0000-00-00Shattered Soul
Poetry 2016-01-10Loss of my humanity
Poetry 0000-00-00Blame is yours
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