Lisa Vicious

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A FW: from my 3rd self-published book:

" Ever since I was a kid wandering around Detroit’s fucked up get-togethers, such as Dalley in the Alley and the 4th Street fair (usually stupidly drunk and trippin on
something) I’ve always had a great admiration for “poetesses” of the Detroit Music Scene. Strong, no nonsense women like Sharon-Smith Knight & Li Gallagher, always sparked my imagination, told it like it was about love, fucking, long lost love and despair. I would listen in awe at their words and it would fuel a fire in me and inspire me to great depths.
On a cold night in December a few years ago while I was visiting my beloved Detroit, I came face to face with a beautiful blue eyed girl in a club, we had talked briefly through the internet and I had read some of her writings that really struck a chord in me, enter Lisa Vicious. Finally getting to meet her, she possessed a certain sadness that I related to, a little fucked up and a somewhat lost little girl. She sent me her first offering Burning Art Volume I and I knew she was on to something great.
Anger and despair are Lisa’s strong points and she throws it full-throttle into the face of her perpetrators in this book. The haunting and beautiful “Dear Jezebel” simple in nature yet powerful in meaning is a favorite of mine. What is interesting is that she wrote most of these pieces at a very young age, this beauty grew up hard and regurgitates her hate for life, love, fear, and pain in your face. What I love about her most is her great ability to speak her mind and not afraid to tell you to "get fucked" attitude. I look forward to her latest offering “Long Lost Girl” the title speaks for itself. Maybe now Detroit and the world will know the hurricane force field known as Miss Lisa Vicious, you wouldn’t want to be in a dark alley alone I assure you……."

Lynda Mandolyn, Oakland, CA Sept 23 2005

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Lisa Vicious's Works

Poetry (Reflective)2005-10-23Love is a Slow Form of Suicide
Poetry (Love)2005-10-2332 Dollar Dress
Poetry (Abuse)2005-10-23Untitled 008
Poetry (Abuse)2005-10-23Dear Jezebel
Poetry (Rage)2005-10-23Rid of You
Poetry (Beat)2005-10-25Mass Suicide
Poetry (Love)2005-10-25Make Believe Love
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