Why are you shocked?
By just breath
The cross will burn again
The tide will turn again, my friend
It will just go on and on
Until the sun shines it's last ray and all the water evaporates away
The wind, one day will stop blowing
Only then we will look at each other, knowing!
But only few will say - "oh no, what have we done?"
The damage has already begun
Stupid fools, what's done is done
"Is the damage reversable?" someone will gurgle
"probably not - why are you shocked?"
Tick tock, tick tock
"mummy please turn this channel off"
Will it be our generation or theirs? I too am scared.
When greed and money have had there fun, our childrens, children better
run co's hell on earth is chasing them, eternal burning - hope it's been
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© 2007 just breath