How many... Before?
By SilentDreamer
How many times do I have to shed tears,
before you notice my pain?
How many hours do I have to spend away from you,
before you start to look for me?
How many pleading looks must fall from my eyes,
before you notice I need your help?
How many silent cries must ring from my lips,
before you turn your head?
How many more days of utter pain must I live,
before you reach out to help?
How many other people must I reach out too,
before you notice the distance between us?
How many fights must we have,
before we brake away?
How many silent hours must pass,
before things get fixed between us?
How many falls must I take,
before you help me up?
How many tales must I hear,
before you let me speak?
How many for nights must I spend wishing I could tell you,
before you let me?
How many times must I step on the line,
before you reach out to save me from my own doom?
How many more lines must I type,
before you see that I still need you?
How many more lines must I type,
before you see that I can’t go on like this?
How many more… before you…
Comments on "How many... Before?"
On Sunday, June 10, 2007, ArtemisticSin
(17) wrote:
I've felt like this...very good write, I enjoyed it.