By SilentDreamer
Once before I saw you,
only for a moment,
it’s amazing what a single moment can reveal.
Time slipped past you became a memory,
only to have the thought of you flare up by Him.
Time passed and here you are,
in front of me again,
the feelings flood back.
Here you are.
Sitting in my car,
singing… drumming.
Your voice grasps me and throws me through a loop,
I watch you in my rearview mirror,
And smile at the sight of you there.
Here we are walking together now,
your singing becoming a drug to my ears .
Wanting to spend time with you,
but there is no way… not here… not now.
Here. Alone. Sort of.
So close to you I sit,
watching the dancers and teaching you signs.
My mind stumbling over what is happening.
Confused… unsure.
What next?
I know what I feel now,
no longer do I hide things from myself but do you?
He seems to think you do but how can I be sure?
Lingering on… memories being sealed.
Time together is coming to a close,
so much wanted to be said but I hold my tongue,
I know nothing of the way you feel.
Music lingers in my ears and you are placed with the words,
The beat… the sound becomes rich and clear with your name.
Your arms wrap around me in one of the best hugs I have ever received.
Woken by my phone early the next morning,
his voice says you forgot your hat.
The first wonder to hit my mind is if you left it so I would have to bring
it to you,
no you’re a male and thus such a way of thinking would not happen.
Here we are again .
Music floods my ears.
I thought my eyes would never set on you again,
oh but what a sight you were.
Time lingers on and little is said.
Again you’re in my car,
singing but the drumming no longer rings in my ears.
Oh the last lingering moments before once again you leave my sight.
This time… you’re gone.
One last amazing hug before you go on your way and I on mine.
Time has passed and let you still linger in my thoughts.
Still linger in my car… in the music.
My mind travels to the thought of you far too often,
I know such is not the same for you... or is it?
No way of knowing.
My thoughts will linger on you… enjoying the memories,
as I live the life I have here.
Till next time.