untitled (for now)
By beautifulfallenangel
She’s here..... here before you, whispering in your ears.....sweets of
hatred, she loves your smile, loves to make you hate, even the smallest
of beings, she feeds on the poor and hates the rich, she depends on the
hate you give into to live, life is sparse and it's simple enough to take....
he's the world, an youth of mankind, yet he's losing his hold on humanity,
something we've lost to the hatred fed angelic demon, he's trying hard
to replace, trying hard to let you see it, rebels and rebound, his thoughts
are deep in conceit
she's the renown fed, angelic voice, the one you hear, the one you see
and the one you want
you watched the world, played in it's charades, you watch in laughter,
the world begin on a downward swirl, and smile, it's like tragedy can't
help but to exist, you feed on it, makes you feel alive, but for those
like me, pain is my season a mused of sorts
so as you are falling, and trust me you'll fall.... sweet and ammature
and selfish in every way... please forget me, it's all I ask, my mind is
whirling and spinning, I can't help but feel used and betrayed, but it's
my life's story, I let it happen, without a word said, but tonight, it's
limitless, the hatred is building you are leaving, just let me for a time,
believe in this
she's there before you, holding your hand, a simple gesture couldn't bring
you back, she's smiling, you are no longer of the purity needed to succeed
in this world, you are now a dumb body to guide into the wraths of hell
( does heaven or hell exist) she brought out your soul, with the gift of
trust. He gave it with a light heart,
sept-10-2006 Talitha Lindsey