life's a bitch. and death is a bastard.

By etarnally damnd

i sit here to write this poem.

i write line after line.

then i erase line after line.... nothing ever good enough in my eyes.

always expecting more of my self.

and how magicly i should receive more from others... so foolishly i believe.

nothing is ever give in this life. only if your the one giving.

every thing else must be taken.

work tell the flesh that covers ur britle bone has become rough and lethery with age and experince.

then take what u feel you have earned. and if u can not take it then you do not deserve to have it.

however love warmth all the feelings you get with that person u call a girlfriend or boyfriend or wife or husband.... that can not be taken only given.

such is the unfairness of life.

for one can give and give for an eternaty. and yet receive nothing but shatterd hopes and icey rejection. and firey hatred for once own flaws.

life is a bitch and death is a bastard.

( i know this seriously sucks but its all i got and its been awhile.)

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© 2006 etarnally damnd
Published on Thursday, July 20, 2006.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "life's a bitch. and death is a bastard."

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  • LovelyAssassinx On Friday, July 21, 2006, LovelyAssassinx (151)By person wrote:

    I actually like this. It captures the flaws of human nature wonderfully and also its easy to relate to. nicely done. ♥

  • Soulfire On Thursday, July 20, 2006, Soulfire (96)By person wrote:


  • A former member wrote: I seriously feel like this so often... and it never helps to go and read something somebody else wrote, or watch somebody else be given something you're sure you'll never get... and then hope is the killer.

  • A former member wrote: Just find whatever feels good, whatever you think you can work with and enjoy as you get better at it (probably writing, if you're here), go with it. If you look at what you have, its easier to ignore what you don't.

  • A former member wrote: actually i like do seem a bit hard on yourself, why is it whenever anyone is hard on themselves the world seems to be alot easier on them? neways, great write and expecting more

  • mywristshurt On Thursday, July 20, 2006, mywristshurt (405)By person wrote:

    whatever you got, it's betterthan mine.. i just wish it would've rhymed a little more.. anyways, if you ever want to, you can dp mail me and we can talk some time.. your writes look like we would have a lot in common

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