Delirium Askew
By Brimstone
Why is it when you watch someone die
That another deserves to be murdered
For lazily killing themselves
It becomes a crime of watching then
Fresh-kneaded hamburger splattered in
Patterns with tings of gunpowdery steam
Wafting from eyeless sockets crispened
Discord weaves past my knuckle
Embracing a trigger to hug goodbye
Volatile concepts force a chuckle
As he picks up the shotgun,
And struggles only to die
Why then do you lie there
When my patience has ridden
Fouler moods than oppression
In terms of elevation
Where this place is neither above nor below?
One must triumph
Be it temperance or arrogance
Wrestling the conundrum down
In my gullet
Soon there shall be no more
Stuck upright below my chin
Where metal and mind consort
Blast this paltry funeral mask
Clean-off from the planet
Erasing another umbrageous face
Condemning myself to contrast it
Both hammers drop with a cinch
Ten seconds trudge after a 'click'
Ten seconds passes and so does he.