Break Me
By Saschwann
Mom left, the babysitter took over
He felt so warm and smelt like clover
I sat on his lap as he read me a book
When it was done we went to mom's room to have a look
He said that an idea just came
"Soap Opera" was his great new game
He took off his clothes and got into bed
I followed his example, but laid there like lead
"It's O.K" he whispered into my ear
I could feel his breath his lips were so near
And as his hand crept up my thigh
He pulled me close and let out a huge sigh
He kissed my neck, his lips warm and wet
I felt uncomfortable,confused as yet
But when his finger penetrated me
I knew this game wasn't happy or free
I shuddered with pain, and screamed out loud
When I turned over his penis stood up proud
His finger kept up a steady pace
As he watched the tears stream down my face
His eyes slid down my body
And found his finger come away bloody
At last the pounding inside me stopped
And something inside of me finally popped
I rolled away from him to try to get away
But for some weird reason he wanted me to stay
He rolled me on my back, and held me to the bed
As I gazed into his glazed eyes I filled with dread
His penis ripped inside of me
The pain washing over me set me free
I felt the pain for two more thrusts
Then my mind left like a puff of dust
When I woke up my mother was back
From the way she acted I knew she was on crack
I tried to tell her what happened, to explain
But the fact she didn't believe me quickly becamed plain
She slapped me and told me not to say such things
Slapped me some more till my ears did ring
I went on to school with nothing fixed
I was completely broken, I was only six.
Comments on "Break Me"
A former member wrote:
I can't imagine anything worse than this. God, I hope this didn't really happen. Your amazingly talented, and no on deserves to be treated like that. !_!
A former member wrote:
Oh my god. this is going on my favourites. everytime i read it it makes me cry.
On Wednesday, September 28, 2005, spaniellie
(76) wrote:
this poem makes me cry. fucking assholes!!! you deserve so much sasch, dont let it bring you down. this write is so beautiful and honest. you are so talented! :)
On Sunday, September 11, 2005, redtearswhitesnow
(79) wrote:
wow,i hope this didnt really happen