Hard to understand

By StAinedNblood

The sky around me slowly falling
I feel the time ticking away
Nsync with my tired beating heart
The blood's losing pace
I'm willing to escape.....but are you?
Tonight I'm going to try for the final time
Watch me breath those words goodbye

The one you call your new love
Can't you hear the whisper "she's a lie"
She'll hurt you deep inside
The same way you punctured me
But I'm not going to help you this time
Face the pain your own way
I've lived in the dark for years and I still haven't found my exit

When you told me I was your one true love
Did you think I wouldn't believe you?
But that's the problem you didn't
And chose to disappear
Leaving me to cope with enternal sadness
Every time I see her, she screams my hate
When you're with her, the hate turns to shame
The shame hidden behind my eyes

Can you hear me, hear me crying
Calling, crawling through the memories
Believe me, I can feel your rejection
You don't have to show it anymore
Just try to see that what you feel is right for you
Makes me weak and lost within
Your love was the strengh for me to wake everyday
Now the hate only keeps me awake
Please stay away, be with your so called love "A lie"
I don't want to understand what you feel anymore
I don't want to live with your lies

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Copyright 2005 StAinedNblood
Published on Wednesday, February 2, 2005.     Filed under: "Abuse" and "Poetry"
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Comments on "Hard to understand"

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  • island warrior On Thursday, March 17, 2005, island warrior (210)By person wrote:

    Very well written.

  • A former member wrote: I sooooooo do not miss being in those shoes....excellent write and presentation of the emotions though. :)

  • A former member wrote: complex movement captured in such few strokes

  • xSightxSetxHighx On Saturday, February 5, 2005, xSightxSetxHighx (11)By person wrote:

    stefani..guess what... I LOVE YOU!!! --Maddie

  • HaUnTed_sOuL On Wednesday, February 2, 2005, HaUnTed_sOuL (18)By person wrote:

    awsome flow great write!

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