Blood from a lost love
By StAinedNblood
Shattered, as I decribe my heart
The remains of what you call a love
I don't believe you, I can't feel you
Cold, and still so bitter
I can't come back and I know you don't want me to
All you made me feel was a lie
Just to make me cry, I wanted to die so bad
What are these chains wrapped around my neck?
The reality so scarce, yet so deep
Your still clinging, so what are you leaving?
Just fuckin let me go
I don't want to belong, especially to you
The reality of you still lingers
Piercing a hole in my lonely mind
But I can't bleed anymore
Can't you see?
I have notthing left
In need of a new reality
But they all share the same nightmare
I can't erase you
Why is this so real?
I can't suffocate in memories forever
Trying to forgive you, I swear
But you won't listen
Did you ever?
When you tell me to "hold on"
Why do you even try?
You can't help when the cause is your fault
Don't fix me anymore, you'll only make me worse inside
What are you looking for?
I'm drained of life
Just see what your doing to me
Stop please, just don't haunt my fragile mind anymore
I can't take much more
I don't want to break
No, not just yet
Comments on "Blood from a lost love"
A former member wrote:
So amazing! Wicked piece of work!! XD
A former member wrote:
To be wounded by a man's sworded tongue is an injury that is not easily healed. I feel and have felt your pain many times. Beautifully written! -The Phenix
On Tuesday, February 1, 2005, xSightxSetxHighx
(11) wrote:
i take my last comment back..THIS is your best one. Gabe is a good resource for pent up anger isnt he? Most guys are.. :-)
On Tuesday, February 1, 2005, The Crimson Queen
(917) wrote:
"I can't erase you" perfectly worded.....i liked this much...thanks for writing a piece that can show i still have a heart, i an feel the dagger entering as i read this write..~AoD
On Tuesday, February 1, 2005, ardneK
(72) wrote:
a strike to my heart, ouch..nicely done - >|