The story of Jeb and his slow son Fred

By TheVampireSergioV

There Once was a grave robber whose name was Jeb
who loved to rob loot and steal from the dead

His crafty tools a crowbar hammer and flashlight all gathered from his shed

He'd spend entire nights in cemetaries gathering all the jewelry and valuables he
could with the help of his slow son Fred

But that all ended one night when this dynamic duo came across a crypt
whose entrance was lined of gold and rubys of red

While prying open the doors they had their usual visions of the aftermath
taverns women cheese wine and delicious bread

In an instant they're inside
"Damn this coffin its made entirely of gold" says Jeb
Now Fred we shall really impress the family of Jessica the girl you
intend to wed

This true tale I tell I'll make it short sweet and I think enough has been said

Its a story about the night two grave robbers lost their lives while
trying to rob from the undead


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Copyright 2004 TheVampireSergioV
Published on Monday, July 5, 2004.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "The story of Jeb and his slow son Fred"

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  • happilydepressed On Friday, April 22, 2005, happilydepressed (400)By person wrote:

    i liked this, i'm not sure why but i do, very good

  • TheVampireSergioV On Saturday, January 15, 2005, TheVampireSergioV (9)By person wrote:

    lol..Thank you..glad you read it twice and enjoyed it.

  • Dei On Friday, December 31, 2004, Dei (664)By person wrote:

    ......yep... its official. i read it twice and still loved it. so it must be awsome!! lol great creativity

  • Dei On Friday, December 31, 2004, Dei (664)By person wrote:

    ....*goes off to read it again

  • TheVampireSergioV On Sunday, October 3, 2004, TheVampireSergioV (9)By person wrote:

    Thank you so much.

  • A former member wrote: cool

  • MGood On Monday, July 5, 2004, MGood (62)By person wrote:

    I am smiling!!!

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