Loathesome Heart
By Dekika
Loathesome heart
flee from me
hurt them not
they do not see
loathesome logic
they do not notice
don't be bitter
loathesome actions
no, please stop
that's a human being
not a stage prop
loathesome endeavors
to cause much pain
to burden all others
with your lonesome bane
lonesome heart
keeps you reeling
makes you loathe
flee from feeling
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Copyright 2004 Dekika
Published on Wednesday, June 2, 2004.
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Comments on "Loathesome Heart"
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On Thursday, June 3, 2004, Graveyard_Desciple
(39) wrote:
great write. the same feelings as i and many have. great job!
On Wednesday, June 2, 2004, Alacer_Cogitatus
(140) wrote:
loathing is particullarly great. I love this! A_C