By thecitymorgue
as the earth returns to the long night
of winter dying to be re-born,
so i go to my seclusion separated from
all but myself.
people in bars bore me,
their constant chating and battles
restless rage,
i leave them to live their bar lore.
i escape
alone to my room,
undaunted by the gossip and glaring
of old
in my seclusion i can see myself,
secure in myself.
alone only to the longing of a once
youthful lad.
i need no
one to save me from a more
complete withdrawal from society.
inward way i now pursue.
i leave all lords and ladys to their
ego games empty lust.
i mock at males for their mannual approach
to life.
i want no woman in her vain worldy pursuits.
i leave
them for my own sensual illusion.
and what i leave is not gain.
there is but danger and dread in days
to come,
a people polarized
by petty hates,
no,paralized by prejudicial pride.
i gain the
better part by being but one,
escaping into solitude saving my sanity.
apart from a world where all is a lie.
i leave to live,alone.
Comments on "anti-social"
A former member wrote:
Very beautifully written, I love the emotion you put in it - not many a people can understand why one wants to be alone at times, and not many can understand one another.
On Sunday, September 18, 2011, Devilish
(2633) wrote:
Hello there... It gets me a lil wet that I came across your profile, then after reading your poetry, cause this is far from "work" A natural ora of perfect expression and honesty, I want to take this poem and rub it all over me... Thank you...
A former member wrote:
very complecated wording :)
A former member wrote:
Just visiting some of my fav's tonight an wanted to say i truely love this piece
A former member wrote:
nice write
On Sunday, February 5, 2006, AHHH
(184) wrote:
On Thursday, April 14, 2005, Kinkypoptart
(555) wrote:
Well written. Great Write. I love the was you wrote this and the way the words just seemingly flow. ~*~Tart~*~