The Emotions Hell
By lshidonil
The ice cold wind blows through me,
as I shiver,
an attempt to keep my body warm.
I look over at your cold, shaking body,
I hand you my jacket,
the only shield I have against the unforgiving cold.
You give me a nod, and pull the jacket over your shoulders,
It was obvious you were reluctant to take it
even though we both know you need it more than I.
The clouds become a curtain between us and the sun,
and the last of my warmth whithers away.
I keep moving, trying to bring some heat,
but the cold seeps through my toes,
and travels quickly to my violently chattering teeth.
You offer my jacket back,
but I would rather you be warm.
The rhythm of my life
starts to beat slower,
and the cold wins me over.
I lose sight of your firey blue eyes,
and I lose sight of myself.
But fire starts to burn in my vision,
and I start to warm up.
The cold and the numb go away,
and warmth bulids up.
For second,
my pain escapes,
but only for a second.
The fire starts to burn me,
like no burn I've ever felt before.
I can't hold the tears inside me,
but I can't find the strength to yell.
I feel the fire feeding off me,
as my skin and soul turns to ash.
I didn't want to burn,
I never wanted the thought of me to burn.
The fire is coming straight from the lair of the devil,
and I know I am it's welcomed victim.
My vision fades again,
only to wake to your blue eyes,
filled with horror and pain,
freezing to death once again.
The cycle repeats,
and I learn,
hell is not just fire,
hell is the extremes of pain.
Then maybe,
heaven is the extremes of joy.
But as the cycle repeats,
and over,
It's clear I will never get to find out.