...And I Have a Secret
By Demyelinated
these secrets that fall around the night in this strange room
are friends with truth and of false promises to awake
and fall around truth of the night with strange promises
that in this room are awake false secrets to these friends
these false friends that awake to the truth around secrets
in this strange fall of promises with night and that room
...and I have a secret
these regrets that trap around the light in this cold void
to deaths and with cries of strong confessions to passing
and trap around cries of the light with cold confessions
that in this void are passing strong regrets to these deaths
these strong deaths that passing to the cries around regrets
in this cold trap of confessions with light and that void
cold room
strong promises
truth cries
strange regrets
passing friends
confessions fall
false deaths
trap secrets
void night
awake light