High Wire Act
By daiglepoems
Everything I do
I do with grace and tact.
Everything I know
is precise and exact.
Everywhere I go
I'm always asked
to re-enact
the time I cheated death
on the high wire act.
I been walkin' lightly
for way too many years.
Been hangin'
on tightly.
Facin' down my fears.
Cheatin' death nightly
a couple of cheers,
a couple of bucks,
and a couple of beers.
Has it been worthwhile?
Who can say?
Got a high lifestyle.
Some money put away.
Gonna' take a nice vacation,
my stuff's
already packed
after I cheat death
on the high wire act.
But the end is drawing near
with the passing of each day.
Gotta turn my head to hear;
try to hide the hint of gray.
liquor on my breath,
man, I gotta be whacked
to try to cheat
on the high wire act.
One last time
for all
the world to see.
A circus like clime.
Pay per view T.V.
my kids will know for sure
I never felt the impact.
In case I
miss a step
on the high wire act