Bagle with a D.
By daiglepoems
Mars is short for Martin.
Means "warlord".
"God of war".
The Trojan and the Spartan
worshipped Mars long before
my family headed west
early in the game,
Decided it'd be best
to "westernize" my name.
"D" means "of".
Aigle, Eagle.
Sounds pretty good to me.
In fact,
it's downright regal.
Why change it needlessly?
Yet they took D'Aigle.
dropped the apostrophe.
Changed my name to Daigle.
That's Bagle with a "D".
What were they thinking of?
They cut the nuts off me!
They should have named me Turtle Dove.
Bagle with a "D" ?
I'm stuck with it.
It's legal.
Where once I used to be
The Warlord of the Eagle
now I'm Bagle with a "D".
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Copyright 2012 daiglepoems
Published on Friday, April 6, 2012.
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