Jack of all trades
By daiglepoems
Tackled every nasty habit.
Been doin' it for years
pullin' rabbit after rabbit
out of hats by their ears.
A one man all star cast
whose curtain never falls.
Thinkin' fast.
Dodgin' close calls.
I'm always in the groove.
Walkin' tightropes on a ledge.
I have no need to prove
I maintain a razor's edge.
Keep it polished to perfection.
It's good for splitting hairs.
Like an unfulfilled erection
there's nothing that compares
to a life that's fast and loose
(like Al Capone or Bugsy Seigle).
I ain't got no God damn use
for anything that's not illegal.
If it's not against the law
it's wasted in the doing.
Minor character flaw,
but nonetheless,
I keep accruing
fancy things and pretty faces.
Always wearing tailor mades.
You're either holding all the aces
or the jack of all trades.