No Soul Cold Heart
By Angelz cry 2
My dark heart has a dark hole
filling up with ice. Turning colder
and colder then ever. turning my back
to the world like it is
something that can disaperĀ
in a blink of an eye 'n' killing my soul
slowly and painfully
death awaits at the next stop. Frightened to
die but cant wait for death
makes no sence but hey who gives a crap
other than me but not even me who cares fuck the world thats the thought
that came apon me they i hold that gun aiming at my soul so i wont have
a soul. Cry ice cuz dats how cold i am but i dont give a fuck. Let my cry
ice let the devil be afraid of how dark i am. Let it be known how cold
the world and i are. Maybe thays the only thing the world and i have in
common other then that i dont belong.
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Copyright 2011 Angelz cry 2
Published on Tuesday, July 26, 2011.
Filed under: "Reflective" and