Rainbows in the wreckage
By brainbent
Where is the dawn such darkness has promised?
In the deadly silence griped with fear and the pain only true loneliness
can know.
Where then shall the light be shed?
On the deception of my heart.
On the nature of my sloth.
Broken with brilliance upon my confusion to cast rainbows amongst the wreckage.
Rainbows in the wreckage, the hope of a darkened mind.
A bit of color to ease burden from my heart.
Its' drone grates within my chest without purpose.
Hope my pulse may still quicken for joy that might yet come to be.
The illumination of some beauty my eyes have forgotten.
Momentum to gather in these lethargic limbs.
Might they carry me from the bitter place I have become.
Yes, rainbows amongst the wreckage.
I will place it like a banner in my dark and twisted thoughts.
And we will see what hope gathers under its' beacon.