Welcome To My Paranoid Delusion
By thesuccubusreturns
Whispers all around
What are they saying?
Is it about me?
Are they judging?
Laughter in the classroom
Stop laughing at me!
I’m not a creature
For your sick amusement
A freak in a cage
Glances in the hallway
What are they thinking?
Do they hate me?
Are they silently smiling?
Am I a Joke?
A nameless clown
For their entertainment
Sly faces in the street
What are they planning?
I’m watching my back
For the faceless stranger
Who is planning
My inevitable down fall
Noises in the darkness
Who’s there?
Who’s after me?
Why are they after me?
What do they want with me?
Happiness at home
Its all a big conspiracy
It wont last
When will I fuck it up?
How long
Can I keep up this facade?
How long can they?
Welcome to my life.
The paranoid delusion
That is me
Stop judging me!
Stop laughing at me!
Stop crying for me!
Just stop.
Comments on "Welcome To My Paranoid Delusion"
A former member wrote:
has to go back to a second read. very, very good. ~ hdb.