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Hurt or Ha...te
Is this hurt or hate?
This boy can't see
The trouble I face
I miss him much,
But can't relate
Passed by in this
Fast-track race
Start Me Over
Can we start over?
This is wrong
I don't know why
I don't know what
But it crawled inside you
And made you insensitive
And too sensitive
And vicious
And you make me cry
You don't mean it
I know you're caring
But it's hard to believe you love me
When it's so hard
To love you back
But I'm going to fix this
Because it's my fault
And I'll make you better
Because I'm who fucked you up
You might not be my one
But you're someone
And I'll treat you as royalty
Cause that's how you treat me
And I'll be apathetic
Cause sometimes you ignore me
And I can't show you how I really feel
That would be simply tragic
So I'll sit here and watch you struggle
And I can't help
Because I can't get involved
For fear of hurting us both
And I'm scared you'll leave
Cause I can't hold you here
You've got your own things to do
You can't be here with me always
And I'll find that out soon enough
But for now
Can we just start over?
Missing My Perfection
I'm out of my mind
Sick with worry
Dazed in confusion
I'm not bouncing back this time
I want this to be perfect
But we fight too much
And I care too much
And it's never right
I can't make this right
But I promised I would try
And I'm trying so fucking hard
It's so hard to make this perfect
I need perfection
I can never attain it though
Ill never get that
Never just perfect
You know, I have many others
Who seek me out
Want me for theirs
And I picked you
Why can't you feel lucky
Is that a lot for me to expect?
Am I one of those demanding bitches?
Who just has to have everything...
Or am I justified
By the rules of love
To ask devotion
And you to want me
All the time
To think of me
At random times
And wish I was there
Cause I sure as hell do that
All the time
Just think of you
Miss you
...I don't think I'm wrong
But I fuck up a lot
I'll keep trying
Til I can get this right
Or resign...if it....
doesn't work...
Good night
My love
Let's Live A Lie
I'm too full of problems
I can't act for shit
Everyone needs to know what's wrong
So they can help me fix it
I can lie, yes I can
But I still want to speak
The truth pure and simple
Feelings of the utmost weak
You want me to change
But you won't change for me
I'm supposed to be so flexible
You're not even in-between
We can't talk about us
We can't talk about you or me
Only the simplest chat
No feelings, but we surely must
For otherwise, it's false pretense
We're both living a lie
I'm not really happy unless
I know what you're thinking nigh
I don't know when you're happy at all
Cause I really can't ask
Just never mention it
We both don matching masks
Feelings really need to be hidden
Cause really, who can deal with them
Only problems are caused
Both you and me, let's condemn
If the truth's to be told
Let's tell it so sure
How can you act this small
And say you're mature
I'm reconsidering it all
I'm telling the truth now
To myself and you
I'm breaking this vow
My New Addiction
(verse 1)
And I miss you
It's been said before
Over and over
I'm denied
Fly me high
I'm hopeless without you
Make me bad
I want you back
We made beautiful music
And heartfelt lies
Too good to last
It's not my past
You're my new addiction
X *some number*
(verse 2)
And I want you
It's been seen before
Again and again
I'm remiss
Give me a kiss
I'm empty without this
(verse 3)
I'll make this work
'cause it's too good to pass up
I'll never be right
Unless it's my terms
And besides
I think I loved you
*whispered with chorus*
It's about you
It's about you
It's about you
X *some number*
*whispered offbeat from other whispered*
Love me right
Make me right
My new addiction
X *some number*