The Sick and The Dying
By Brimstone
I would kill you if I thought for one instant that I wouldn't have to end
the miserable lives of your family, it wouldn't be fair to them - unless
they went with you.
If I could ever just wipe away your existence from the face of the earth,
you ungrateful prick, I'd kill your family line back when all I'd have
to do is drag their carcass to the mountains where their ancestors spirits
Sometimes the only thing that really bothers me is your ingratitude, and
at that - nobody ever questions the validity of your own existence, save
for grandeur and posturing aside from the gnawing cancer within your bowels.
May it take you quickly, wherever you may go - to the fires, to the light,
to the end of days. I pray that your illness does not kill you. No, that
would be unjustified to think of the suffering you have sown and the lives
you have hewn away for your own personal gain.
I can only hope that the suffering you feel is sufficient enough to remind
you; you have cast your lot to the ignorant, and laid with the dogs of
the world long enough to know that the fleas are sick with your blood.
But when you do realize, just how much you hate yourself for the ire you've
drawn out of those positive, beautiful little souls underneath your feet
- may your tears taste of vinegar and piss.
And when you end your own life, may I have the pleasure of watching?
Comments on "The Sick and The Dying"
On Thursday, October 25, 2007, Brimstone
(12) wrote:
Why thank you. Free-association is fun.
On Monday, October 1, 2007, glasshouse
(530) wrote:
Fucked up. But pretty well written. And oddly relatable. --Jes