
By Lythodaemil

Hearts stamp to the beat
of the droning tune on the ballroom floor

bodies twirl in the black light
spirits always on high

guttural tones of bands unknown
fill your ears till they bleed

this punk wasteland you sit
neither high nor drunk

you wonder why you are here

slam your palm to the floor
and stand up

open the exit and free yourself
the depression of life

inhale the air
no longer stagnant

fresh full of life
to a liter tune

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© 2007 Lythodaemil
Published on Sunday, September 16, 2007.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "Untitled"

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  • sIo On Sunday, September 16, 2007, sIo (900)By person wrote:

    i'm going to be bold and make a suggestion....third to last stanza 'free yourself/the depression of life' okay the way i read that it says you're freeing yourself from that place going INTO the depression of life....

  • sIo On Sunday, September 16, 2007, sIo (900)By person wrote:

    .....i know if i continue reading and re-read the last three stanza's it will eventually click to just read it differently, but i just thought i'd let you know...cause it came off REAL confusing at firt...and well written ;)

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