danica mcdonald

danica mcdonald's picture
i live in a fucking hole.
death surrounds me.
life is nowhere to be found.

slowly moving from one frame to the next.
all in black and white.
colorless crap day to day.

except for the blood.
that is the most beautiful red.
the brightest color there ever was ever is.

falling though the darkest blacks.
and the lightest grays.
only to fall back to black....

danica mcdonald's Works

Poetry 2012-02-08voices
Poetry 2012-02-13fuck you
Poetry 2012-02-18perfect picture
Poetry 2012-02-18anger
Poetry 2012-02-18cancer stick
Poetry 2012-02-18cut
Poetry 2012-02-18sex
Poetry 2012-02-22silence
Poetry 2012-03-01lie
Poetry 2012-04-13waiting for you
Poetry 2012-04-20rejection
Poetry 2012-04-21show myself
Poetry 2012-05-31done
Poetry (Personal)2012-06-17pain you caused
Poetry 2012-06-23gray
Poetry 2012-09-27water
Poetry 2013-09-16Life
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