Comments by All Members
- "um i am not telling u her name hahah and um troys ex her name is alexis. and have u figured it out who this is about yet? read it carefully"
Posted by freak_with_issues on "Time" by freak_with_issues
- "wait so whats her name so i can stop calling her "that girl in ur gym class" ?? lol
and idk troys ex, the cheerleader?"
Posted by foreverNalways on "Time" by freak_with_issues
- "psycho wolf ha thanks for the comment! yeah its a crazy story and idk i was pretty chill when i wrote it but angry at the same time...idk ha! but yeah the "freaks" in the world arnt always bad ones is the point, being different is what makes us right"
Posted by freak_with_issues on "Freak" by freak_with_issues
- "I'd hate to be on the receiving end of this write, anger seething from every line. I was known as a freak too, but I always took it as a compliment lol. Thanks for sharing."
Posted by lupus tenebrae on "Freak" by freak_with_issues
- "thanks! yeah it is bout love and it drove me to write this. idk anymore i am confused and angry and kinda broken... and im very glad you liked it check out more of mine and comment or if u can add ppl on here feel free to do that! pain is a gift just use it as your weapon of literary destruction!"
Posted by freak_with_issues on "End this Heartache" by freak_with_issues
- "Full of anger. I can feel it seeping through your words and into my mind. I know what it's like to feel like this. Knowing that things are just getting worse, you just want it to end but you can't do it yourself. Is it love that keeps you to them? It is for me. You love to much to end it yourself even though it is crippling you, devouring you, killing you...Nice write. I can relate to almost every word. Thank you. Welcome to DP."
Posted by Rowan on "End this Heartache" by freak_with_issues