Comments by All Members
- "this was great ...kinda sorta touched me the whole "thought belongs to thee"is what did it...i dont know what to say i just liked this alot:) "
Posted by italianbella on "Mobius???" by gigantopithecusragno
- "As it happens, when we had down time in the Military/Naval Shipyard, I would read a dictionary to pass the time... It kept me awake and on "standby" for when the other crew was finished and we could start...\___@___^___@___/..."
Posted by gigantopithecusragno on "Plagarism???" by gigantopithecusragno
- "I do so want more prose, and prose like this will do - more than that and any other, it is it's lack I rue.
Indeed, here I find so far you're most admirable piece, it has all the elements of good poetry"
Posted by Solace on "Who wants a bit of prose?" by gigantopithecusragno
- "Particularly brilliant, the first two stanzas, "he doesn't mean to, boy" perhaps would suit the pause more. Not sure the sentiment finale agrees with me, but this is still an impressive piece of literature"
Posted by Solace on "Pain was his best Joy..." by gigantopithecusragno
- "A tinge of conservatism behind conservative words, take care that expression is not stifled behind the litany of these lyrics, the sentiments are valid, but do they breathe life onto the page or sit idle?"
Posted by Solace on "Mobius???" by gigantopithecusragno
- "This is fantastic, your vocabulary and mannerism is something to hold dear in a world of jargon ridden gibberish. Mimesis, is the crux of good artists, indignant petty economy is the death of the rest. Welcome :)"
Posted by Solace on "Plagarism???" by gigantopithecusragno
- "To BEE or not to BEE,
'tis this bugging you?,
Is this bee in sonnet[b],
Theft IS bad, too true,
Every bee to every prose,
From prose to prose will flit,
I am no great writer,
My fam'ly thinks me twit..."
Posted by gigantopithecusragno on "Plagarism???" by gigantopithecusragno
- "2B? c'mon. just write out the 4 itty bitty letters, give the words some justice! :)
tis a clever little write, but plagiarists are a fuckin disease."
Posted by Unknown on "Plagarism???" by gigantopithecusragno