Comments by All Members

  • "thank you =) i'm glad you liked this. and yeah! i noe exactly wat you mean bout them being too memorable but too painful to look at! =) but you put it in such an innocent manner bout them surprising you. sweet =)"
    Posted by evcfenix on "Breakups (And In The Wake Of)" by evcfenix
  • "I liked this. With all the breakups I'm surprised by the lack of comments :) I too have souvenirs of the past I can't let go of yet too painful to look at so I leave them lurking in my life to surprise me at a later date"
    Posted by Unknown on "Breakups (And In The Wake Of)" by evcfenix
  • "i changed it already too! the words were really getting to me after you commented. thanks for the welcome!"
    Posted by evcfenix on "My Anger" by evcfenix
  • "I can see what you meen. I just saw it as two titles and the beginning. Also an old talk on dp is, if the ttle is the beginning of the poem would it not be enough with the first line in the poem so it reads. My anger . then starts with Is a speeding car"
    Posted by Dancing_Monkey on "My Anger" by evcfenix
  • "it has to be out of habit... (if you picture the words 'my anger' from the title to the secondary title to the poem, you can picture a car getting smaller and smaller. maybe its just me) thank you for commenting!"
    Posted by evcfenix on "My Anger" by evcfenix
  • "that is so true too. beautiful. and this makes me think of humans. if nature is the peaceful, productive aspect of life, then we are like you said before,, the destructive element."
    Posted by evcfenix on "Of Flies And Man" by evcfenix
  • "I don't think a fly's purpose is for "Patience to triumph" but interesting perspective nonetheless. I think it's to tip the balance. I mean if you have the pretty butterfly, you gotta have the ugly fly. Beauty is non existent without ugliness."
    Posted by nur hidayah on "Of Flies And Man" by evcfenix
  • "its about prostitution by the way... this was written after hearing so many stories from a male point of view about this particular red light district in my country. "
    Posted by evcfenix on "50 Dollars" by evcfenix
  • "no way. any childhood (for all its experiences) would never amount to any price money can buy. "
    Posted by evcfenix on "50 Dollars" by evcfenix
  • "! would sell my childhood for 50 but I don't think it's worth that much....thought provoking write"
    Posted by Unknown on "50 Dollars" by evcfenix
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