
CrowsOmen's picture
I write all my poetry in short bursts. I'll get a flash of inspration, and in three minutes or less, I have a poem. They're not all winners, and my style has a habit of changing depending on my mood, and exactly what my inspiration was, but I refuse to do any pre-planning or post-editing. Whatever I type stays. Sometimes my poems are short, with a fast, sharp rhythm, and other times they will be longer with a slower cadence.

I'm epileptic, and this informs a lot of my dark moods that inspire my poetry. My friends tend to call me Julies Seizure, or the Epileptic Emperor if they're feeling fancy. It's sort of a running joke.

One of my favorite things to do is take a very normal and mundane subject and write a dark and violent sounding poem about it that is completely misleading. I once wrote a poem about people dying in the cold, and their dead bodies being gathered and burned. I was talking about fall.

Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys my work, and please, don't hesitate to point out ways that I can improve. I'm always looking for ways to evolve as a writer, and constructive criticism is a necessary part of the process.


CrowsOmen's Works

Poetry (Depressed)2017-08-31Of Bone and Flesh
Poetry (Horror)2017-09-01Asylum
Poetry (Philosophical)2017-09-07King of Nothing
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