skinned myself alive
using the most precise incisions
would my servile offerings to you
be perceived as honorable and refined?
And as my split deveined flesh
unveiled a devoid maltreated soul
and as that FUCKED soul spewed chunks
like glimmering fountains of carrion dew
would that also
make for a convincing sacrifice
my humble offerings to you?
-I want to take the chance and thank everyone involved with Dark Poetry who have given me the opportunity to "air" my "epithets of evil". My work is but a pale and rhetorical yammering compared to all of the innovative and talented Artists That I've seen on my first day to this Dark place.
ThirdAuthor's Works
Poetry | 2007-05-20 | Carnal Plunder -5 |
Graphic Art | 2007-10-30 | ThirdAuthor |
Graphic Art | 2007-11-27 | GUESS WHAT? |