Messiahs Grace

By Mord

As the crimson sunset bids adu
A bitter taste burns upon my tongue
The flavor of nightshade would taste as sweet
A vulgar swill to swallow though I choke it down

Preaching fluently like a rambling mad man
You carry Righteousness with the ease of a storm
Climbing your high horse I got stuck in limbo
And the wind left my lungs in defeat

With your perfection I refuse to compete
Scorned Forever By your Messiahs Grace
While you favor the tendancy of tenacity
I pride myself in dissatisfaction

Sorrow is more my nature
I've painted sterile emotions white
Sick of feeling the colors of joy bleed,
like a black magic marker on a wet surface

Did you ever notice when they ran?

No matter, I'm used to their fleeting ways
Left within a glassy awareness when you beseech tenderness
When a silver lining halos your rainbowed sky
Please remember I hold a perminent shade upon such glee

Dwelt within a mind of jarbled jibrish
Hazed by thoughts of blood, sweat and tears
Here I confess I can not keep up,
with where and what you feel I should be

So hold off your pace
your thrills
your discrepancies,
Because I just cannot keep up with your Messiahs Grace.

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© 2006 Mord
Published on Thursday, October 12, 2006.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "Messiahs Grace"

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  • A former member wrote: *grinz* this reminded me of a couple of my own pieces. One in particular called "Open Your Eyes" reading your poetry is almost like looking in a mirror for wonder I like it :)

  • Mathesix On Wednesday, October 25, 2006, Mathesix (40)By person wrote:

    It is truly unfortunate that your pieces are neglected by the masses. Each of your works are so lush with vitality and gloom and decadence, and well..everything! Write on, I love this.

  • Moratha On Saturday, October 14, 2006, Moratha (17)By person wrote:

    Wonderfully put, graceful pace. This beautifully reflects how so many of us feel.

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