By Irioth
Empty roads
the night's
silence interrupted
by music
it is getting harder
to be lost
all he wants
is escape
skies, black and blue
some faces
roads without end
with life
without life
it is getting harder
to be lost
no voices in the room
only music, the music of death
the room is not still from death
do they see the world?
what music do they find
when they return home?
music to dance to?
music to cry to?
(dance or cry?
I don't think I can help you
your dance will only bring tears)
His knives are good
he is not
Why do they appeal to me?
Why am I drawn in by the things?
(los que nosotros vendemos son frios)
there must be some good people here
his words hurt, in a way
I guess they have to
when you sell knives
I wish I could control the wind
that would give my walk a purpose
trying to hide
in grass or in trees
can't get me anywhere
but still I'm walking
I don't wish I could control the wind
because I think I would run away from it
everything is broken
the music is broken
the magic is broken
the tears are broken
the hopes are broken
the fears are broken
(if only I had cried
then my friends could have said
"we will let you cry")
I don't want to look back
I don't want to see
what people have become
I don't want to miss them
I don't want wishes
what I want is now
if mistakes were made
they must have been mine
they are my shame
please don't blame yourself
I will do better next time
grains of wheat
tears, but never mine
good people
at least
there are good people
I wish
I had made a mistake
had cried
been one of the good people
had belonged there
Apart from the noise
there you will find them
sitting there, every day
trying to find something
they don't know
what they search for
meaning? pleasure?
they are just words
perhaps here
there is something deeper
Clawing my way out of the
cold, the cave
I see it is gone
the reason I fought
there is no beauty in it
the silence
the sunlight
not anymore
did I ever see it?
Vision is less important
Hearing is less important
only what you trade them for
has ever mattered
I hear you!
Friends, I hear you!
Why can I hear?
I don't want to speak!
I don't want you to hear what I have to say!
It's much
too much
Comments on "Requiem"
On Tuesday, March 27, 2007, Nail Bunny
(161) wrote:
Holy shit... This is amazing... I can't even describe it