Monsters Cage
By darkversion
My room is my cage,
the shadows of the light,
threw the curtain,
shining on the wall,
resemble the bars.
The empty Isolation of no other presence,
but death's
imprisonded by love,
tears of acid,
to strong to hold inside.
When did this become a prison,
my proson.
Here's where I held my lover...
once apon a time,
now a prison,
no happy ending here,
just a monster,
wanting to break free,
of it's pain,
it's missery,
it's emptiness.
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© 2006 darkversion
Comments on "Monsters Cage"
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On Wednesday, January 17, 2007, carlosjackal
(2787) wrote:
This was so simple yet powerful. I think anyone who's had their heart broken has been there. Very good write.