The black pit of...

By BlackBear

My heart has turned to stone within me.
My soul is now beyond my reach.
I have lost all.
A new day is supposed to dawn.
It will dawn, but not on the Michael we knew.
Michael has been smitten, crushed, flayed, and melted on the great pyre of loss and despair.
The crucible lay empty, awaiting the dross.
What has flowed forth is yet unknown.
Something new?
Some alloy that will withstand the new storms of time?
Or a faded and dark shell of worthless and useless tin, fit only for tossing to the slag-pile of history?
Only I know.
The world must learn anew, or fail.
I have seen what I have seen, and the sight was beautiful and terrible.
The future awaits us all.
Shall we stand the test?
Shall you?
For the future before you is as unknown as your past is immutable.
Shall you permit the past to rule you?
Or will you allow your beautiful and terrible future to unfold new before your eyes?
The choices you make, the path you follow, may only become truly known in the fullness of time.
Choose well, or choose ill.
Your future is yours to write.

Unauthorized Copying Is Prohibited. Ask the author first.
© 2006 BlackBear
Published on Tuesday, May 2, 2006.     Filed under: "Spiritual" and "Essay"
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Comments on "The black pit of..."

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  • Moratha On Tuesday, October 3, 2006, Moratha (17)By person wrote:

    Rarely I see such truth put forth so eloquently.

  • Any On Sunday, May 14, 2006, Any (39)By person wrote:

    I love it. But I have to say - for me it seems only like the jump from one state into another one. Might be that it's dark but from my point of view it contains so much... hope that I'd just advice the person: "God damn jump!"

  • TaintedButterfly On Wednesday, May 3, 2006, TaintedButterfly (653)By person wrote:

    Wow... that one was really heavy and dark, yet also beautiful. Great write... *hugs* Julia~

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