Monologue of a Politicain

By MrWiggles_np

I sit on my pedistal,high
above the masses with
my SMILE of cheese and EYES of

I sit and I wave,waving
to the whim of a RAT...the
RODENT of public opinion

I sit and I bleed, bleeding
out my life, staining the
PEDISTAL upon which my ravaged
BODY sits

I sit as my life goes and my
arm still waves. The splatter
of blood on the floor
turns into a POOL

I sit, my smile frozen
my eyes glazes as my masses die
my arm waves to starving children


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© 2005 MrWiggles_np
Published on Sunday, December 11, 2005.     Filed under: "Political" and "Poetry"
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Comments on "Monologue of a Politicain"

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  • elisa On Sunday, December 11, 2005, elisa (1595)By person wrote:

    sounds more like a royal figure head to me.

  • Griffin On Sunday, December 11, 2005, Griffin (114)By person wrote:

    I think you should stop complaining about the ineffeciancies of a beuracratic goverment, and the ineffectiviness of politics today, and try and change something for the better

  • Lady Grinning Soul On Sunday, December 11, 2005, Lady Grinning Soul (143)By person wrote:

    nice write but i dont get what it has to do with a politician

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