Wall Beast (revamped)
By scorpionstale
Took anth's advice here, changed it a little.
Why do you look at me like that?
You're hideous!
Wretched BEAST!
Can't you just go away?
Quit trying and do it right!
Lousy soul!
Why do you mock me?
Staring like that.
Find a new friend!
Leave me alone!
I can't stand your lies!
This is your ending!
HA! Look at you now!
Broken, lying on the floor
Who's better now?
You're still staring at me,
Quit crying.
Fucking mirror.
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Published on Sunday, October 16, 2005.
Filed under: "Reflective" and
Comments on "Wall Beast (revamped)"
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On Friday, June 9, 2006, Dei
(663) wrote:
damn... that wsa insanity at its most impactful! total mindtwist.
A former member wrote:
Woah...so very very VERY disturbingly truthful...this is wonderful, thank you for sharing...for now, I think I need to go rid this house of any and all mirrors, just to avoid hearing your rage when I look in them. *Evangel*