Losing the fight of my life
By smearedXmakeup
Nothing matters Amber,
You're a nobody,
Nobody cares.
You're fake, and pathetic,
ugly and stupid,
ignorant and easy.
who could ever love you?
you are nothing.
nobody cares,
they never will.
pull the damn trigger you pussy!
You are NOTHING!
They wont miss you,
they wont shed a single tear,
Who cries for a nobody?
You're just their little toy.
All you are is a joke.
pull the trigger Amber,
Nothing will change,
And just think... they'll be happier.
You'll be doing them a favor,
You like doing favors,
So do them all a favor and fucking die.
...good girl.
good stupid girl.
I knew you would do it.
you do whatever you're told.
Because you're a nothing.
Whats that bright light?
You changed your mind?
Just want it to be another ''FALSE ALARM''?
FUCK that Amber.
your false alarms are over,
you can't go back.
you can't change your mind.
it's over now.
you're gone.
and you know what?
...You're still just a nothing...
Comments on "Losing the fight of my life"
On Monday, June 6, 2005, Soulfire
(96) wrote:
Hate to be Amber...poor little sheep.
On Monday, June 6, 2005, peril_notion
(87) wrote:
Ignorance pulls us all into disgruntled despair. ~Heather