Dearest Dad

By PoeticMindBlow

Drowning in the sea of emotions,
Trying to tell you my latest devotion.

Caught in the shadows of your lies,
You are the one I truly despise.

You thought I would tell you all my fears,
But in the end all you caused were tears.

Dearest Dad whom I wish to see,
All I get is my reflection staring back at me.

Watching from a distance as I slink slowly,
Waiting for someone to call me as I grow lonely.

Dearest Dad why are you farther away,
When your here you say you can't stay.

- Dad, come back to me?

In The Midst

Walking with temptation in the eyes of betrayel,
Knowing I was something, And knowing I had failed.

Crying to the wind with a voice of silence,
Broken ribs, Shattered heart mind of violence.

Tell you all my secrets tell you why I hide,
Tell you why I told all these stupid lies.

Scared to be alone, Scarred with torment,
Beaten with acussations and ugly resentment.

I know I messed up in the past,
And I knew that our relationship wouldn't last.

I cannot change the way I did things back then,
And i'm not asking you to be my friend.

Caught in the whirlwind of tomorrows,
Finding a better way to be who I am.

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Copyright 2005 PoeticMindBlow
Published on Friday, April 22, 2005.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "Dearest Dad"

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  • Doc On Tuesday, June 14, 2005, Doc (143)By person wrote:

    Ive noticed you composure has become limited, send me anything else you might write via the email service on this site. Peace

  • ONEANDLONELY On Monday, June 6, 2005, ONEANDLONELY (114)By person wrote:

    Oh, come on. Dads suck and everyone knows it.

  • swing_the_hammer On Wednesday, June 1, 2005, swing_the_hammer (48)By person wrote:

    i guess i really don't know what to comment, now. this makes me think a lot, like driving without a radio. i don't even know what my dad looks like, and i have a half-brother that's my age. it's a weird feeling. love/hate

  • Doc On Tuesday, May 31, 2005, Doc (143)By person wrote:

    Herrdoktor66 /

  • Doc On Sunday, May 29, 2005, Doc (143)By person wrote:

    What would you like to know?

  • PoeticMindBlow On Saturday, May 28, 2005, PoeticMindBlow (22)By person wrote:

    My father happened to be an alcoholic, and I picked up drinking over the years, Recently.. tho. I decide that it wasn't my only way out.

  • Doc On Friday, May 27, 2005, Doc (143)By person wrote:

    well i am much honored by your proclomation of love, but might I inquire to the reason. This poem is double edged in a sense, maybe its just me, but alchoholism isnt involved is it?

  • Serenity On Friday, May 20, 2005, Serenity (469)By person wrote:

    Very powerful and emotional. Great write :)

  • tormentedsoul666 On Wednesday, April 27, 2005, tormentedsoul666 (74)By person wrote:

    aww.. so much emotion...i have a friend who has only seen his dad three times and he is already 18..sad stuff

  • A former member wrote: Powerful write

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