He cares so much. I just want to fuck. Am I lying to myself?
By saellem
When should I start caring? when should stop?
Everytime you say " I love you" I mumble it back
I dont really love you. Do you really love me?
Were so young...
Why dont we just be teenagers?
I just want to fuck your brains out.
NO commentment.
But somehow there is.
I want to let you go
Realeasing you phsycally is nothing
Emotionally I am attached to your presence
Its horrible when I cant fight you.
Why did you have to come into my life?
I would do better without having you here for me
Your changing me
You let me know what love honestly is
what LUST really is
I hate lusting for you
I never needed a guy before
Why do i need you
You feel that empty space in me
As you feel that space your changing me
changing me...
changing me for the worse
Your making me do better
Slowly perfecting me
I'll never be perfect
In your eyes I am
Right now I wish you would just vanish
Just die off of this earth
No trace of you...
Okay I lied.
I am so dependant on you
Maybe I do love you...
Your just a Guy I'll never need you.
Why do I keep on LyING to myself?
I do love you for now...
Please ruin me...
So It'll teach me not to love you
Comments on "He cares so much. I just want to fuck. Am I lying to myself?"
A former member wrote:
Brilliant! That's exactly how I feel sometimes with my boyfriend. I can't live 4 days without breaking down into tears to more. Then there's the other times where he's just a evil *!?$# to me.
On Monday, April 18, 2005, DarkWolf
(415) wrote:
What a twisted and unique way of looking and writing about something.. very well done.
A former member wrote:
Excellent display of emotions. So many relationships are like this. I felt tugged in different directions while I read this. I loved how you were brutally honest even about your own faults. Excellent write, dear.
On Monday, April 18, 2005, FlashDark
(18) wrote:
i like it...kinda sounds like what my ex would write about me in the past few months, agh...ncie write
A former member wrote:
Wow, I'm going throught the exact same thing right now. I'm in love with the guy, but I don't want commitment. It's like, security and comfort or experience and excitement. It's tought decision, huh?